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2003-10-21 - 11:22 p.m.

Hello everyone!!!

I have returned!!!

I know I haven't updated for MONTHS and I have no real excuse except for the fact that I don't think I have much to say or that anyone would really read it.

Life here in Louisiana is going well. School is good, I recently decided to postpone graduation to Dec 04. I am going to get a second degree. So when December rolls around I'll have a BS in Criminal Justice and a BA in Sociology.


I re-read my last update in this diary before I started this one and I had to laugh my ass off. I mentioned something about a guy who seemed different. Well let me tell you. HE WASN'T!!

And I have dated 2 other guys since then and they were just as bad. I have some seriously bad karma when it comes to dating. I meet guys, plenty of them actually, and they like me, they ask for my number. I'm a fun girl (in a GOOD context, let's not get nasty....YET) So a guy will ask me out, we will go out, often, have fun but the SECOND I admit that I like them ..BOOM ..they freak out and just disappear.


People I am talking the past 6 guys have done this!!! What the FUCK is that?

If ANYONE has any idea, please feel free to let me know what the hell is going on!!!

So anyway, I let my gold account expire and will probably have to wait til January to get another one. If that changes I will be sure to let you know...because then the comments section will be back and I just love me some comments.

Well that is all for now.

Have a great day everyone.

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Something old, something new - 2004-05-22
All about friends..... - 2004-02-12
The hormone queen has arrived.... - 2003-11-20
I can't explain it...so don't ask me... - 2003-11-17
I AM ALIVE and full of exclamination points!!!!!!!! - 2003-10-21

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