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2003-05-18 - 12:32 a.m.

Hello everyone out there. Yes I do realize it has been WEEKS since I last updated.

I took my last final Friday morning. So the spring semester is offically over. YIPPIE. I have one year left. I am counting the days. Trust me.

I also met someone. So we have been spending a lot of time together. So far, it's been nice. He is very different from the guys I usually date. And I am thinking that it's a good thing.

And those are my reasons for not updating lately. I promise to try to be more relible now that I have 3 full weeks of freedom but I can make no promises.

Hope everyone is well.

Take care and be careful.

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Something old, something new - 2004-05-22
All about friends..... - 2004-02-12
The hormone queen has arrived.... - 2003-11-20
I can't explain it...so don't ask me... - 2003-11-17
I AM ALIVE and full of exclamination points!!!!!!!! - 2003-10-21

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