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2003-11-17 - 7:24 p.m.

Ok so we have all heard it millions of times, guy complain that girls like bad boys, girls like the guys who treat them like crap. Well first off that is WRONG!! All I have every wanted was a decent good guy who treats me with respect and honesty. Second, guys LOVE girls who treat them like crap.

And here is why I have started on this tangent. A friend of mine, whom I shall call "D", that I've known for a few months and lately we've been hanging out lots is involved with a total b*tch.

Here are the facts...

They were high school sweethearts, dated for a few years. Broke up. Both entered the A*rmy and met up again and started dating. He gets out, she stays in. He is now down here in L*ouisiana and she remains in I*celand, where she will remain til May 2005. She told him recently that she doesn't want to ever move back to the states and will make sure her next assignment is in another country. When she could reasonably come back to the US and most probably get stationed in MS.

She also insist that he remains faithful yet it has recently come to his attention that she has quite a few other boyfriends. In fact she was seriously involved with one guy (there are 2 others also) in her area and he was recently stationed elsewhere. Since she has 2 weeks vacation time coming she mentioned that she was gonna spend a FULL week with this OTHER guy, then come down here to spend a few days with D and then off to see her parents!!!! Of course he was pissed off and very hurt. But she didn't seem to care all that much.

And that's just the major stuff. There is tons of day to day things that are equally insane. Equally mean and uncaring.

And before you say anything, I do not want to date D, he is not my type and I am not his. We are just friends who have lunch a few times a week and talk about life and a school.

I think he was looking for some advice and I gave him a few things to think about. But the more I think about it, the whole situation confounds me. How could a decent guy think that this is ok?

So the next time I hear the phrase "nice guys finish last" well you guys pick b*tches to date and then marry them because you think they will change. Girls might date bad guys but we sure as h*ll dont marry them!!!

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All about friends..... - 2004-02-12
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