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2004-02-12 - 11:04 p.m.

Hello to my few faithful readers, sorry it's been so long. You guys should have said something!!!

All is well here. I was just re-reading some of my entries and wanted to update a few things.

My friend "D" actually proposed to his cheating girlfriend over the holidays. I had to really control my feelings and my tongue when he told me. I am actually proud that I did. I just smiled and told him congratlations, when in fact I wanted to laugh and smack him and tell him he is insane.

My other guy friend "T" is well. He has actually settled down with his current girlfriend and it looks like they might be getting marriednext year. I am happy for him. She's a great girl and "T" is a good guy, he just had to finish sowing those wild oats.

V-Day is Saturday. No romance in sight for me. But that's ok with me. I have never had a good valentine's day. I guess they guys I date are just not the romantic types. I did tell my best friend Brian that he and another guy friend have to take me out for dinner and treat me like the princess I am. Gotta love guys who listen to you and do as you say.

As I am sure you have noticed, I only have guy friends. I don't have a single female friend. Not 100% sure why but I have some ideas. First off I am blunt, women usually don't like that, guys do. Another thing is that for some reason girls think I am a threat to their relationship. I have never and would never get invovled with a friends mate. But for some reason female friends just dont stay my friends with me for long. Oh well, that's life for you.

I think that is all on my mind tonight.

Will try to write more often but I've said that before!!

Take care all.

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Something old, something new - 2004-05-22
All about friends..... - 2004-02-12
The hormone queen has arrived.... - 2003-11-20
I can't explain it...so don't ask me... - 2003-11-17
I AM ALIVE and full of exclamination points!!!!!!!! - 2003-10-21

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