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2003-11-20 - 10:45 p.m.

So today I am sitting in my crim jus class titled "Serial K*llers", yes that is correct, I take classes about serial k*llers, last semester I took the "Hist0ry of Murder" and "the Big H0use". I dream of going on Je0pardy one day and saying "I'll take Fam0us Murderer*s for a $1000 Alex" and then kicking everyone a**!!!


I don't remember how the conversation started but "T" a good guy buddy of mine started talking about 0liver N0rth and how he,"T", thought 0liver was a successful person. And for some reason I just lost it. At first I told "T" he was nuts and said there is no way anyone should consider that man successful. Then I hoped that would be the end of the conversation but it wasn't. "T" spent the next 5 minutes trying to convince me otherwise. Well when he wouldn't shut up after repeated requests. I stood up, turned around and yelled "YOU ARE REALLY PISSING ME OFF" and move to another seat. I thought that poor boy was gonna die right there. Everyone turned around and stared. Then they all wanted to know what he has done to me. The teacher started laughing and said "Well we know "A" is pissed about something"

Of course after 3 minutes I felt bad. I have no idea why I just went freaky on him over such a stupid subject. Well actually I do but I think it's a cop-out if I blame my hormones for my outburst. What made the whole situation funnier is that after class "T" came over to me and said he actully agreed with me but want to see what I would do if he kept pushing my buttons. I felt A LOT less guilty after that. Of course he wanted to talk about it more and I told him to stop it because I would just have to hurt him if he continued.

I guess a lot of it is tied into my childhood, being raised as an Air F0rce brat. I have some different views of things than most Amer*cans. Not better or worse, just different. Things like patri0tism, the m*litary and such.

But I won't even start on those things right now, that can be saved for another day.

Enough for now.

Take care all.

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Something old, something new - 2004-05-22
All about friends..... - 2004-02-12
The hormone queen has arrived.... - 2003-11-20
I can't explain it...so don't ask me... - 2003-11-17
I AM ALIVE and full of exclamination points!!!!!!!! - 2003-10-21

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